23 January 2009

Survey Question: Do you more prefer excellent books or excellent music?

Music stood in first, with 113, Books second at 63, and 35 of those surveyed were either too apathetic or too torn to choose just one option.

Number of participants: 211
Survey taken during the month of October, 2008.
Sample taken from the friends and acquaintances of Jared Tod Workman.
All jesting answers were dismissed.

A few examples to illustrate the nature of the responses I received:
Alyssa Mortensen: Excellent books.
Noelle Mesa: How dare you ask such a question. I could not bare to live without either. I’d sooner die than choose.
Bridian Mortensen: Definitely music. Easier to obtain, and can be used to boost ones spirit regardless of whatever else they may be doing.

1 comment:

Bridian said...

Good thing Alyssa and I have identical responses. Oh wait.