18 December 2009

Survey Question:

In general, do you think that girls prefer to receive compliments on their appearance when they look natural, or after they've made an effort to improve their appearance with makeup, clothes, etc.?

Boys surveyed: 532
Girls surveyed: 566

Of boys that were surveyed:
Natural: 17
Adorned: 515

Of girls that were surveyed:
Natural: 518
Adorned: 48

Number of participants: 1,098
Survey taken during Autumn, 2009.
Sample taken from the friends, acquaintances, clients, and tables of Jared Tod Workman, in addition to quite a few unplanned encounters.

In addition to the results enumerated above, an astonishing 19 girls, without having been given the option, said that they think that, theoretically, they'd rather receive a compliment on their beauty when they haven't put any effort into their appearance, but if they did receive such a compliment, they would be incapable of believing the sincerity of the compliment.

Isn't this such a drastic divergence in opinions? If the graph and information shown above is unclear, allow me to summarize: a vast majority of boys believe that girls appreciate compliments most after the girls have made an effort to embellish their appearances with hair styles, clothing, and makeup, while almost all girls asked the same question believed that they appreciated compliments more when given when they haven't prepared themselves in these ways.

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10 February 2009

Costco vs. Sam's Club!

Today, as I was job hunting and applying to Sam's Club and Costco, I decided to write down the prices for a few things and see how the two stores, (which are right across the street from each other in SLC,) compare.

(The better value in blue.)

CostcoSam's Club
Unleaded Gasoline$1.59$1.59
Arrowhead Water (35)$4.74$4.74
Charmin Ultra Jumbo (30)$19.46$18.32
Clorox2 (112.75 oz)$13.99$9.88
Monterey Corn Taquitos (40)$12.79$8.38
Frosted Mini Wheats (70 oz)$8.69$7.42
Cheerios (37 oz)$5.62$5.62
Ramen Noodles (48)$7.45$7.16
Lean Ground Beef USDA Cert.$2.69 lb$2.68 lb
Ribeye Steak USDA Cert.$7.99$5.87
Philips LCD 42" 1080p HDTV$899.99$997.00
Call of Duty: World At War (XBOX 360)$53.49$54.22
Amount of Samples6!0 :(

Keep in mind that bulk purchasing prices vary by location, so this could change drastically depending on where you live. Also, I wrote down a dozen or two more items, but they didn't match up perfectly between stores, so I didn't include them in the table.

It is also sweet to note that the prices of gas on the way home from job shopping were 1.65, 1.75, 1.72, 1.66, another 1.75, and 1.69. It is a good thing to belong to either of these clubs.

So, I conclude that, in the end, there are good things on both sides; Sam's Club has generally better prices and Costco rules the special deals. This would normally lean me towards Sam's, where I already have a membership, but Costco's sample selection evens the two out for me.

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03 February 2009

Survey Question: When you sleep, which is closer to the door, your feet or your head?

Feet: 453 ; Head: 36 ; Switch Regularly: 9

Number of participants: 498
Survey taken mostly during the week of 25Jan2009.
Sample taken from the friends and acquaintances of Jared Tod Workman.

Some atypical sample answers:

Cesar Andres Acevedo: Feet in college, head at home.
Bridian (none) Mortensen: Depends on the night. We play musical beds at our house.
Brian Elden Sorensen: LUL WUT?!?

I cannot believe that so many more people sleep with their feet towards the door! I postulate that this indicates that those people are more wary of their surroundings, because you're in a defensive position relative to the doorway, but I can't be sure. Any ideas? Post them in the comments!

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02 February 2009

People That Look Like My Friends, Vol. 1.

This seems like an appropriate outlet for something like this.

Alyssa & Princess Buttercup

Brian & Benjamin Gibbard

Petrie & Ronald McDonald

Alexis & Bert

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29 January 2009

Nestor Carbonell.

Recently, I had the fortune to watch both Lost and The Dark Knight within the same week, and I realized that Richard from Lost and Mayor Garcia from Batman were played by the same actor; appallingly, it seemed that the actor wore that same inordinate amount of eyeliner in every movie he was in! So I did some research....

And it seems like it must be natural! This was a strange revelation to me. After further research, I found this quote from some producers: "When we first saw dailies of Nestor, we were, like, 'Someone's gotta talk to him about the eyeliner situation,'" Lindelof said. "And he does not wear any mascara, no eyeliner, nothing. He is completely 100 percent sans makeup. That's the God's honest truth."


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23 January 2009

Survey Question: How do you choose the music you listen to: to fit your mood or change it?

Fit:85 ; Change:56 ; Undecided or both:22

Number of participants: 163
Survey taken during an ill-defined span of time during the summer of 2008.
Sample taken from the friends and acquaintances of Jared Tod Workman.
All jesting answers were dismissed.

Another set of sample answers:
Brian Sorensen: All my music makes me feel good. With varying amounts of RCK energy.
Alex 'Benji' Adan: Of course.
Curtis Hanus: Fit.
Alexis Irizarry: Change it to a better one.
Cesar Andres Acevedo: Both, really. Mostly the former.
Rob Rhoten: I suppose I choose my music to fit my mood.
Bridian Mortensen: Sometimes I find one to fit my mood. But if it’s bad, like angry or negative, then I change it! To either EFY or Sherwood. Both have an amazing ability to bring me up from whatever I’m in.

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Survey Question: Do you more prefer excellent books or excellent music?

Music stood in first, with 113, Books second at 63, and 35 of those surveyed were either too apathetic or too torn to choose just one option.

Number of participants: 211
Survey taken during the month of October, 2008.
Sample taken from the friends and acquaintances of Jared Tod Workman.
All jesting answers were dismissed.

A few examples to illustrate the nature of the responses I received:
Alyssa Mortensen: Excellent books.
Noelle Mesa: How dare you ask such a question. I could not bare to live without either. I’d sooner die than choose.
Bridian Mortensen: Definitely music. Easier to obtain, and can be used to boost ones spirit regardless of whatever else they may be doing.

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22 January 2009

Survey question: What percentage of the population of the United States do you think you're more intelligent than?

Note: Since both survey results and the survey answers themselves are expressed in percentages, some may feel nonplussed. The values presented in the key located in the upper portion of the image represent the answers themselves, while the values within and immediately external to the exploded pie graph represent the percentage of survey-takers that answered within the particular range indicated. For example, 3% of the answers received from participants fell between the range of 1 to 10%. I'm never conducting a survey with a percentage as an answer ever again.

Number of participants: 589
Survey taken over the span of one week between the 16th and 23rd of January, 2009.
Sample taken from the friends and acquaintances of Jared Tod Workman, as well as a fair amount of surrounding strangers.
All ambiguous or jesting answers were dismissed.

While toying with these remarkable graphs, I discovered that this illustration of a snowy-peaked mountain could further illustrate this phenomenon:

The numbers on the x-axis represent 1 through 100% and the y-axis figures are the number of times I received each answer.

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