18 December 2009

Survey Question:

In general, do you think that girls prefer to receive compliments on their appearance when they look natural, or after they've made an effort to improve their appearance with makeup, clothes, etc.?

Boys surveyed: 532
Girls surveyed: 566

Of boys that were surveyed:
Natural: 17
Adorned: 515

Of girls that were surveyed:
Natural: 518
Adorned: 48

Number of participants: 1,098
Survey taken during Autumn, 2009.
Sample taken from the friends, acquaintances, clients, and tables of Jared Tod Workman, in addition to quite a few unplanned encounters.

In addition to the results enumerated above, an astonishing 19 girls, without having been given the option, said that they think that, theoretically, they'd rather receive a compliment on their beauty when they haven't put any effort into their appearance, but if they did receive such a compliment, they would be incapable of believing the sincerity of the compliment.

Isn't this such a drastic divergence in opinions? If the graph and information shown above is unclear, allow me to summarize: a vast majority of boys believe that girls appreciate compliments most after the girls have made an effort to embellish their appearances with hair styles, clothing, and makeup, while almost all girls asked the same question believed that they appreciated compliments more when given when they haven't prepared themselves in these ways.

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